Home Security & CCTV Monitoring Services

Whether busy at work or away on holiday, it can be piece of mind knowing someone is monitoring your property for you when you can't. At Autoguard we can monitor your CCTV and Home Security Systems so in the occurrence of any danger we will keep your home as safe as possible.

Free No Obligation quotes

Available upon request

Key Fobs and Proximity Tags

Full range available


Bespoke Systems

Built to suit your individual requirements

Pet Friendly Systems

for large pets

Monitoring Services

Intruder & Fire Alarm Monitoring

Wired or Wireless Systems

We work with all Alarm technologies


A security system that is monitored 24/7 , provides around the clock protection of a property that simply cannot be matched by a ‘bells only’ system.

Upon receiving the alarm activation, our operatives will take the necessary action, depending upon the configuration of the system. For example, this could be to call a Keyholder, Police or Fire Brigade.

An electronic monitored system provided by Custodian can be tailored to your requirements, across any grade.

Custodian is at the forefront of signalling technology and as such we deliver an extensive range of signalling products and outstanding service packages.

Customer Benefits of Intruder & Fire Alarm Monitoring

  • Added peace of mind for residential property and business owners, especially when the premises are vacant
  • Receive a fast response to an activated alarm, minimising the chances of loss or damage
  • Police and Fire Brigade call outs when required, giving further protection
  • Helps meet insurance requirements, especially in commercial environments
  • Facilitates superior management control of staff activity in commercial settings

CCTV Monitoring Customer Benefits & Added protection for people and property

  • Visual verification of what is happening on site
  • Visual on site deterrent for staff and intruders
  • Works in conjunction with a monitored intruder system for maximum protection
  • Footage can be used as evidence in legal proceedings
  • Potential to reduce on site staffing costs as RVR is available 24/7
  • Additional peace of mind for property and business owners

Are you protecting your most precious assets? When you or your Keyholders are called out on site, who knows they have returned home safely?

This innovative service makes sure we know if there is a potential problem or risk and allows us to notify your emergency contacts quickly to get help.

Benefits to you

  • A solution delivering additional protection to your people, offering peace of mind when Keyholder Safety could be compromised when attending site.
  • Designed to offer a cost effective service covering all Keyholders in one annual charge

How the service works

  1. Your alarm activates and the Alarm Receiving Centre calls your chosen keyholder.
  2. A text message is sent to your keyholder giving a 1-hour time window to attend site and return home safely (don’t worry, if you need longer, you can extend the time window to suit your needs).
  3. You will need to call the Alarm Receiving Centre within your time window to let us know you are safe. We will send you a text 10 minutes before your time expires as a reminder.
  4. If you are unable to carry out these actions, your chosen emergency contact will be called and made aware that you may be at risk.

DualCom GPRS

DualCom GPRS, from CSL DualCom Limited, is an intruder alarm signalling device that uses both the Vodafone network and your telephone and/or IP path to transmit intruder, fire and personal attack signals at high speed.

CSL DualCom have pioneered a single hardware platform which fits every grade of security risk, right the way from Grade 2, 3 and 4 Security installations to the highest specification of Fire signalling grades.